The Law of the Harvest and Cycles – A New Year 2024

Today is January 1, 2024.

A new year begins.

I have been thinking a lot about harvesting what I am planting…..and not harvesting because I have not been “tending” to what I have planted. I don’t mean literally. I am no gardener. But figuratively, in my life, in my relationships, in my business, what can I expect to harvest?

Back To School – Going To School vs Becoming Educated

For me, the spiritual form of learning is seen in the “by faith” form that we discussed. It allows us to tap into our natural wisdom and for me my relationship with a Higher power. That learning offers comfort in difficult times and allows me the chance to find inner strength and resilience. It helps me to increase my emotional intelligence as I learn to show compassion, empathy and gratitude for myself and for the people around me. It helps me to see the shared humanity with the millions and billions of people in the world around me.

“More Than A Body” a Book Review

“Achieving peace with our bodies through positive body image is the final frontier for too many women – the last and most stubborn barrier to our won confidence, fulfillment, power, and self-actualization.”
PAGE 293

This is the work I am doing for myself and helping others do. It is time that we as women see the value we have. And rather than comparing and despairing, we begin SHARING all our gifts, talents, skills, and abilities in ways that create a better world today and for the future.

My 53 Year Relationship

I know that as I continue to develop my relationship with my body I can become more of my true self. When I am “good” within this relationship, it will require less time for me to think about myself freeing me up for more of what I want to create.

Your Body and Spirituality

I believe that one of the reasons we are here on earth is to learn how to manage and work with our physical body and mind as we come to know and recognize more and more of our spiritual selves.

The way we think about our spirit and body and the relationship between them is the foundation for the way we treat those bodies.

Goals and Sustainability – Intellectual

Nearly all of us want to achieve the result of more money or finally losing weight, but are we willing to do what it takes to achieve those results? Are you willing to sacrifice what it takes to reach that end?

It is not just about the prize at the finish line but the cost of the endeavor overall.

The Social Aspect of Goals and Sustainability

Goal setting in the past has been my way of “fixing” the things that are wrong with me. Improving the areas that I am not measuring up to some elusive standard in my head. Working on my own mental health has helped me in my goal-setting and continued progress.

June 2023 – Goals and Sustainability – Spiritual

So why goals? I believe that part of this “divine plan” is for me to learn to work with and manage my physical body and mind. They are gifts from my Heavenly Parents for me to use to come to know myself better. I don’t believe God wants us to become something different than we are (Just my belief, and may be unpopular), but truly to become more of who we were created to be.

Moving into a New Phase

I have decided to let go of the “need” for perfection. That doesn’t mean I don’t still “want” to be able to show up perfectly. I am moving toward letting go of some of that perfection and still showing up.

As I build up the muscles of doing things less than perfectly, I want to continue to create more things to share with the world.