Clean Pain vs. Dirty Pain

The reality of being a human and living with other humans, is that there are parts of life that are painful. There’s no way to avoid it, but what is avoidable is the additional suffering that we add on. Knowing the difference can cause a shift out of unnecessary worry and rumination; shame and blame. Understanding these two types of emotional pain can help you live a more peaceful life.

Obstacles and the Motivational Triad

Obstacles will always come up for us as we evolve. It is the anticipation of those obstacles that help us to meet them when they appear, not as flaws or weakness, but just as a part of being human.

1% Goals vs Impossible Goals

But my impossible goal is impossible more so because it requires me to show up for myself consistently, for a year… a loving and compassionate way. Not berating myself to do it just to say I achieved it.

The goal isn’t about “the goal” so much as it is about the person I become in the process.

Gratitude and a Negativity Diet

It’s November 29, 2021. Here in the United States most of us celebrated Thanksgiving last week. I love Thanksgiving for many reasons, but mostly because of the simplicity it can be. Decorations for this particular holiday can be elaborate or simple, or none at all. The food can be elaborate or simple. There are noContinue reading “Gratitude and a Negativity Diet”

When Your Brain Gets Sidetracked

How does your brain talk to you when things may not go as planned? How distracted do you get in avoiding the boring, challenging or uncomfortable things you have in life? Are you able to notice what’s going on for you in the moment or is it in retrospect? Once again, as seems to frequentlyContinue reading “When Your Brain Gets Sidetracked”

Emotions – Part 1

Our feelings or emotions are what drive all of our behaviors. We may think that we can hide our feelings from those around us but they “show up” in subtle ways that those around us can sense on some level. This can be especially true with negative emotions. Human beings can “read” other human beingsContinue reading “Emotions – Part 1”

The Solution – Part 2

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming……..and with several examples to illustrate, this one may seem long too. Or maybe it’s just me being long-winded 🙂 So with last week’s short detour, now we can take a look at how some complete models could look, depending on our thoughts and feelings. Remember our model…..Continue reading “The Solution – Part 2”

When Life Happens :)

Warning: This might be a little longer read, but it’s more for me than it is for anyone else. 🙂 CIRCUMSTANCES lead to THOUGHTS which create our FEELINGS which drives our ACTIONS which creates our RESULTS which is evidence supporting our thought It’s all well and good to know these things, but what does itContinue reading “When Life Happens :)”